Company Description:
Nelson Nuclear provides quality Professional and Craft Worker personnel to commercial nuclear facilities and DOE sites in the United States. Our 29 years experience in the nuclear field (at many plants and DOE sites) gives us first hand knowledge and a unique edge as we have physically worked with many of our candidates and know them to be "the best of the best". Our professionals are extremely experienced, and helpful regarding work assignments.
Program Managers
Project Managers
PM Program Developers
Procedure Writers
Work Planners (all disciplines)
Radiological Engineers/Planners
Health Physics Technicians
Mechanics (Iron Workers, Pipe Fitters, Sheet Metal, Machinists)
I & C Workers
Nelson Nuclear provides quality Professional and Craft Worker personnel to commercial nuclear facilities and DOE sites in the United States. Our 29 years experience in the nuclear field (at many plants and DOE sites) gives us first hand knowledge and a unique edge as we have physically worked with many of our candidates and know them to be "the best of the best". Our professionals are extremely experienced, and helpful regarding work assignments.
Program Managers
Project Managers
PM Program Developers
Procedure Writers
Work Planners (all disciplines)
Radiological Engineers/Planners
Health Physics Technicians
Mechanics (Iron Workers, Pipe Fitters, Sheet Metal, Machinists)
I & C Workers